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Who are we?

Swlabr (pronounced “swalla brrr”) Networks’ is a group of highly motivated and experienced network executives and designers that have the expertise and the technology to solve your problem and have fun while doing it.


Swlabr Networks is comprised of people whose expertise spans the technology, the markets, and the customers of the networking industry. We are almost all networking engineers who have also worked in other executive roles in operations, sales and marketing. We can provide technology, marketing or business expertise.


Swlabr Networks has a clear vision of where the networking industry is headed and our people have the track record to prove it. This allows Swlabr Networks to provide the best advice on improving your situation AND allows Swlabr Networks to create and develop its own intellectual property. Green Ethernet Technology and Texting while Driving Solution are two examples.



Swlabr Networks’ mission is providing solutions to the common problems of networking.



Swlabr Networks provides the following categories of solutions:

  • Collateral: Swlabr Networks provides sales and marketing collateral that includes: Value Proposition Papers, Ghost Blogging, White Papers, Competitive Analyses, Databases of Shipments, Products, Subscribers, and Forecasts.
  • Image: Swlabr Networks can determine your core competencies, the opportunity that these competencies can exploit, and Swlabr Networks can articulate the value of your products and services to your sales force, your customers, your investors and the industry at large.
  • Intellectual Property: Swlabr Networks can evaluate your intellectual property, find the best application of it, provide expert witness services, and can create intellectual property for you as well. Examples of Swlabr Networks, intellectual property include Green Ethernet Technology and Texting-while-driving Prevention.
  • Operation: Swlabr Networks can examine your present mode of operation and using our breadth of expertise in business, technology, and customer service, can advise on how to turn around a bad situation or improve upon a good one.